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Establishing and Running an SEG Student Chapter

Essential Steps

  1. Review the SEG Student Chapter Operation Guidelines page and read the SEG Student Chapter Bylaws.
  2. Determine your chapter's Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary). These four are responsible for managing the chapter.
  3. Ensure all Executive Committee members are active SEG Student Members.
  4. Complete the Student Chapter Membership Information Form (SCMIF) with students joining your chapter. Ten members are suggested, but there is no minimum requirement. All members are encouraged to be SEG Student Members, but this is not required.
  5. Prepare a letter to the SEG Student Affairs Committee (SAC) requesting permission to establish a new SEG Student Chapter at your university. If you are reactivating a chapter, please explain the reason(s) it became inactive and what will be changed to encourage longevity.
  6. Identify an Academic Advisor. This person must be an active SEG Fellow Member associated with your university.
  7. Identify an Industry Advisor. This person must be an active SEG Fellow Member, not directly affiliated with your university. You may use the SEG Member Directory to search for Fellows in your area
  8. Request signed letters from both advisors confirming their acceptance of the role.
  9. Chapters are required to prepare an annual report. This can be done in conjunction with the application for Stewart R. Wallace funding and reporting, which is submitted in either April or October. Please see the "Reporting and Field Trip Funding" for more information.

To submit your SCMIF, please complete the form below. SEG will collect your responses. There is no need to submit separate documents via email.

By submitting, you acknowledge that you have read and agree to abide by the SEG Bylaws and the SEG Student Chapter Bylaws.

Student Chapter Membership Information Form

This form is a tool for SEG and the Student Affairs Committee to enhance and support student chapter programs. Please ensure the details provided are accurate and complete.

This form should be submitted in the following situations:

  • When submitting the Student Chapter Annual Report
  • When applying for Stewart R. Wallace funding
  • When there is any change to the executive committee or chapter information
  • When establishing or reactivating a chapter


Please contact SEG Student Chapter Services at


To avoid losing your work it is recommended to complete responses in a text file and then copy/paste into the application.

Fill out my online form.

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