Establish or Reactivate an SEG Student Chapter

  1. Review the Student Chapter Operation Guidelines.
  2. Determine your chapter's Executive Committee (President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary). These four are responsible for management and active SEG Student membership is required.
  3. Prepare a list of selected student officers and which positions they will hold.
  4. Compile a list of students that are committed to joining your chapter. Ten members are suggested, but there is no minimum requirement. All members are encouraged to be SEG Student Members, but is not required.
  5. Prepare a letter addressed to the SEG Student Affairs Committee (SAC) requesting permission to establish a new SEG Student Chapter at your university. If you are reactivating a chapter, please explain the reason(s) why the chapter went dormant and what procedures will be implemented to encourage longevity of the chapter.
  6. Complete the Student Chapter Membership Information Form.
  7. Complete the Student Chapter Bylaws.
  8. Select a faculty advisor/sponsor. This person must be an active SEG Fellow Member willing to be actively involved and provide guidance and advice to the chapter. Have this person write a letter on university letterhead stating that they have accepted the responsibility of Student Chapter Advisor.
  9. A local SEG industry advisor/sponsor not affiliated with your university is requested. This person must be an active SEG Fellow Member and work directly with your faculty advisor/sponsor. A letter of support from this person is requested.


Submit all documents described above to SEG Student Services at

Applications will be reviewed by the SEG Student Affairs Committee (SAC). Upon SAC endorsement and approval by the SEG Executive Director, the request will be submitted to SEG Council for final approval at the next scheduled council meeting. The entire process may take several weeks.