SEG Discovery

SEG members can read, research, and save papers from SEG Discovery and archived issues of SEG Newsletter via GeoScienceWorld (GSW), which hosts the publication as part of an aggregate of geoscience journals, permitting libraries and other organizations to access an integrated group of publications at reasonable cost.

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SEG Discovery is the quarterly publication for members of SEG. Formerly the SEG Newsletter, it was founded in 1990 as a much-needed solution for the expanding "Society Pages" that appeared in the back of Economic Geology. In 2020, to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Society and respond to increasing demand for more industry-focused technical articles with modern digital content, the SEG Publications Board expanded the scope of the publication and updated the name to reflect these innovations.

Non-Receipt Claims

Claims must be made within four months of the cover date for replacement at no charge. Limited to one issue per product, per year.
Institutional Subscribers:

Submit an Article

SEG invites news items and short articles on topics of potential interest to the membership. Manuscripts should be double-spaced. Please submit content in a Word file via e-mail.

Morgan Roy
SEG Discovery Production

Submit a Lead/Feature Article

SEG also invites submissions of longer, peer-reviewed lead articles. For consideration, please follow the guidelines below.

General Guidelines: Articles should be no more than 5,000 words, including references, and should be submitted typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font. Typically, there should be no more than seven figures. Submit all graphics/figures in the original file format as well as a universally supported format (e.g., PDF).

Regina Baumgartner
SEG Discovery Technical Editor

Ads, announcements, and images should be submitted as an EPS, TIFF, or PDF. All photos should have a resolution of 300 dpi or higher.

Ad Spec Sheet

Laura Doll
SEG Discovery Graphic Design

Article/Advertisement Deadlines

  • November 30 (to appear in the January issue)
  • February 28 (to appear in the April issue)
  • May 31 (to appear in the July issue)
  • August 31 (to appear in the October issue)

Ad Specs

Prices subject to change. All prices USD.

Dimensions Single Issue Four Issues
1/8 Page (3.625" x 2.5") B&W: $150
Color: $220
B&W: $480
Color: $820
1/4 Page (3.625" x 4.6667") B&W: $345
Color: $540
B&W: $1,160
Color: $1,890
1/3 Page (7.5" x 3.625") B&W: $460
Color: $720
B&W: $1,540
Color: $2,520
1/2 Page (7.5" x 4.6667") B&W: $690
Color: $1,080
B&W: $2,310
Color: $3,780
Full Page (7.5" x 9.6667") B&W: $1,100
Color: $1,800
B&W: $3,850
Color: $6,300
Inside Front/Back Cover, 1/2 Page (7.5" x 4.6667")
Check for availability.
B&W: N/A
Color: $1,300
B&W: N/A
Color: $4,530
Inside Front/Back Cover, Full Page (7.5" x 9.6667")
Check for availability.
B&W: N/A
Color: $2,160
B&W: N/A
Color: $7,560

Advertising Policy

The publication of any advertisement by the Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) is neither an endorsement of the advertiser nor of the products or services advertised. SEG is not responsible for any claims made in an advertisement.

SEG publications are published for, and on behalf of, the membership to advance science and discovery in the field of economic geology. The Society reserves the right to unilaterally reject, omit, or cancel advertising which it deems to be not in the best interest of SEG, the objectives set forth above, or which by its tone, content, or appearance is not in keeping with the essentially scientific, scholarly, and professional nature of its publications. Conditions, printed or otherwise, which conflict with this policy will not be binding on the publisher.