Oral Presentations
Session 7: Porphyry Provinces of the Western Pacific
Co-Chairs: John Dilles, Dave Cooke
*Presenting author is a student
How long does it take to make a giant porphyry copper deposit? Advances in high-precision geochronology and physical process modeling of magmatic-hydrothermal processes
Chris Heinrich (Keynote) | heinrich@erdw.ethz.ch
Formation of a giant Pleistocene porphyry and skarn Cu-Au deposit in 200,000 years: Re-Os and U-Pb evidence from OK Tedi, Papua New Guinea
Peter Pollard (Invited) | peter@peterpollard.com
Platinum-group element geochemistry used to determine Cu and Au fertility at the Northparkes porphyry Cu-Au deposits, Australia
Hongda Hao* | hongda.hao@anu.edu.au
Ordovician syn-ore high Sr/Y and pre-ore normal arc igneous rocks of the Tongshan porphyry Cu deposit in eastern part of CAOB
Xuyong Pang* | xuyongpang8@163.com
The role of high temperature fluids and melts in the Grasberg porphyry Cu-Au deposit
Terry Mernagh | terry.mernagh@anu.edu.au
Porphyry copper genesis and zircon geochemistry
John Dilles | dillesj@geo.oregonstate.edu
Constraints of depth on hydrothermal fluid evolution in porphyry deposits
Wei Mao | dzmaowei@163.com
The Capsize prospect, NE Queensland, Australia: Geology, geochronology and stable isotope (S, O, H) geochemistry of a porphyry and associated lithocap
Isaac Corral | isaac.corralcalleja@jcu.edu.au
A role of potassic alteration on Cu mineralization at El Salvador porphyry deposit, Chile
Yasushi Watanabe | y-watanabe@gipc.akita-u.ac.jp
Genesis of the Taiyangshan porphyry copper deposit, NW China: Insights from quartz cathodoluminescent textures, fluid inclusion assemblage petrography, and trace element geochemistry hydrothermal quartz
Kunfeng Qiu | kunfengqiu@qq.com